Best iOS 10.2 Jailbreak tweaks

iOS 10.2
iOS 10.2 Tweaks

The answer of many people who want to customize their phone but cannot is ( Jailbreak ). JailBreak is a process after which you can customize your phone and enjoy many new features. The adjustments made in your phone is called Tweaks. IOS has many tweaks to activate and install and I am going to show you some of the new and wonderful tweaks in IOS 10.2.

Best iOS 10.2 tweaks

1. Anilaunch

This app has a really wonderful feature. Whenever you tap any app on your phone, the app bounces, spins, zooms and etc. Other animations of the app can be found in settings.
2. MultiIconMover+

IOS has a defect that you can move one app at a time. This problem is solved by MultiIconeMover+ app. Now, you can move many apps at a single time from one home screen to another by taping the apps you want to move and go to the screen you want to paste and press home button.
3. PowerBar 

Installing this app, You can make your phone’s information bar a battery percentage bar.
4. Massagehead 

You really like the messenger in android phones? Get it on your IOS device by installing Massagehead. It makes an icon on device when you have unread messages. You can reply them without closing the app you are using.
5. Horseshoe 

We are aware of music page and other settings page of down to up swipe bar but most of the people don’t like that. If you don’t like it so horseshoe will combine them into one awesome well aligned page.
6. Platters 

IOS devices are somehow always out of shortcuts. Most of us like shortcut too much. Platters is the problem solver. It literally makes shortcuts of recent apps and your favorite apps in the down to up swipe bar in new pages. You can close and edit them there.
7. FlipControlCenter 

It gives you permission to add and edit toggles in down to up swipe bar.
8. Aeternum Hives Beta 

It gives your home screen the apple watch interface.

9. Boxy 3

It brings your apps in a box like on your home screen.

10. Anemone

It is a really cool theme for your IOS device.
11. iCleaner 

It cleans all the junks and useless caches in your device.
12. Rocket for Instagram 

It is a tool for Instagram which makes your Instagram lay out according to grid or list view. It literally hacks the Instagram.
13. App admin 

It downgrades and upgrades any app on your device as long the previous versions are available in app store.
14. Sleek n Bouncy 

It is an animation which comes after the phone unlock or after pressing home button.
15. Speedy

It completely removes all the animation on your phone after the phone unlock and gives your phone a really high speed.
16. Lithium ion

It symbolizes your phone’s battery percentage with other shapes and makes it really cool.
17. Zeppelin 

It replaces your network’s name to shapes or any text you like to add.
18. Grasshopper 

It gives you magic to watch your videos anywhere on your device’s screen while doing other things on your phone.
19. Anissete

This tweak gives a shortcut to right of your device and can be edited in the settings according to your will.
20. SmartTap 

This tweak allows you to wake your phone up simply by tapping it ON or OFF screen.



Check Out How to Jailbreak IOS 10. Click Here
Check Out About IOS 10.3 New Features. Click Here

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